What’s CSR Hungary?

CSR Hungary (conferences, news site), CSR Hungary Index, CSR Hungary Award, CSR Hungary Guideline book, CSR Matrix Consulting are a subsidiary of Atlantis Press.

We organised the first of the annual CSR Hungary international conferences in 2006, whose professional quality and media coverage generated positive trends in Hungary. It has become the most significant c(s)r forum of the year, where business decision-makers, communication managers, researchers and university students can share their experiences. In 2008 the time has come to establish a prestigious award related to the event.

The aim of founding the CSR Hungary Award has been to replace high-profile quantitative indicators with qualitative ones, i.e. cr should be based on real value instead of media presence, obligatory reports and marketing stunts. We hope it sets an example for both present and future decision makers in business.
Furthermore, the award provides large-scale publicity for outstanding individual or corporate CSR performance, increasing the reputation (and in this way goodwill) of companies in Hungary and abroad. By establishing the award we wish to promote a system of values and standards in Hungary that may become a part of our culture.
Applicants can submit their applications in the following categories:
C(S)R management system (for large firms and SMEs separately)
Joint responsibility – stakeholder solution (media, NGOs, government, education)
C(S)R Junior ? the way to the new generation
Our highly popular CR Wednesdays free of charge club series, organised since May 2007, offer more personal and direct contact among those devoted to corporate responsibility.

We published Corporate Social Responsibility by Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee together with HVG in 2006 and CSR Hungary Guideline summary book (from 2009), CSR Hungary Register, CSR Hungary magazin.

The consulting profile of CSR Matrix is primarily focused on the CSP model and stakeholder solutions.

Photos here!:
We are the members of the EMVFE/First Hungarian CSR Association.

Yours sincerelly,
Julia Takács, founder and CEO (CSR Hungary)

Takács Júlia

Maradj velünk!


Friss hírek

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